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Guide to what’s on in Melbourne this Christmas with one week to go!

by | Dec 18, 2018 | Taxi Blog

Christmas is nearing, with only one week ’til Santas sleigh arrives, how are you going to spend it? Luckily, for the rest of the month we’ve provided you with your own advent calendar… that’s right! Don’t stress about where to go, don’t stress about how to get there, and most definitely don’t stress about getting home. Silver Top Taxis has you covered.

The Twelve Nights of Christmas have already started, twelve nights of fun-filled films to get you in the festive spirit at Cinema Nova in Carlton. There are so many options that you can’t miss, even if you tried! Tim Burton’s ‘The Nightmare before Christmas’ on Monday 17th at 7pm, ‘Bad Santa’ on Tuesday or ‘Scrooged’ on Wednesday again at 7pm is a must, the best part is they are screening until Christmas Eve! So call us up, we know the way.

This weekend book me in to Wonderland, well the CBD really, but the Myer Christmas Windows on Bourke Street is going to make you believe you have fallen down the rabbit hole, just like Alice. You guessed it, this years theme is Wonderland! However, with the stress of parking in the city we don’t want you to go bonkers… even though ‘all the best people are’.

While you’re in the CBD, you may not be able to do six impossible things, but most definitely one. Christmas shopping! On top of that, don’t miss out on the supersized Christmas tree at Fed Square.

Now, it is the night before and we have a rhyme for you…

On the 24th day of Christmas,

your wife said to you…
‘the kids have cardboard boxes, the picnic rug is ready, lets get the wine…’
and as you replied,
‘Oh tonight is Carols by Candlelight?’
She exclaimed
‘Yes, at Sidney Myer and I can’t wait for the choir!’
The kids are jumping for the night,
You have to say we only might
Because do you really want to drive?
But as this occurs, you remember,
Silver Top has us covered for a jolly good ride.

25th: Family Christmas lunch.

Christmas is finally here, so we won’t keep you for much longer. We know you don’t like to admit it, but no matter how many nieces and nephews are sitting at the table, the amount of glasses filled of bubbly hasten if anything. It is Christmas after all and cheers to that, you know what to do. Call Silver Top, and have a Merry Christmas.

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