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The best way to get to your job interview

by | Jun 4, 2019 | Taxi Blog

After countless networking sessions and cover letters, you’ve finally landed the big opportunity that could transform your career. The dream job interview is here, and you have to nail it. You’ve ironed your clothes the night before, got up an hour early to go over your notes and resume, and you walk out the door confident that you’ve got this in the bag. Then disaster strikes. Your train is cancelled, your tram is delayed, and suddenly your perfectly planned morning is off the rails.

What can you do? You could always try a ride share service. But then you risk high surge prices (you haven’t got that new job yet!), and arriving to your interview in an old or unprofessional looking car. Worse still, your ride share driver might not know the city well enough to get you to your interview on time, and they could be relying on outdated or inaccurate GPS systems. Solution? Luckily, whenever this happens to me I know exactly what to do. I just pull out my phone and open the new Silver Top Taxi App.

Silver Top’s App always gets me to interviews on time. With professional local drivers who know the city, I can just sit back and relax, and take the extra time to think up the perfect post-interview question. Instead of running for a connecting train, I can use the Quick Hail feature to book a ride with just one tap, and connect instantly to a nearby driver. Booking is fast and easy, and in-app payment means you don’t have to worry about anything but your interview answers. Just tap go, and Silver Top will take care of the rest. Want to really impress? Request a Silver Service luxury vehicle to arrive in style. You can also request SUVs and wheelchair accessible taxis to help get you where you need to go, no matter what your needs are.

Take the pressure off. Skip the morning train altogether and make sure you arrive calm, confident, and on-time by using the Silver Top Taxis App.

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